I’ve spent a lot of time using a bunch of different tools & software, and forming opinions about which I like and which I don’t. So in the spirit of the “Awesome X” lists, here is a list of software I like in no particular order:
- kakoune - text editor
- kitty - terminal emulator
- nix - package manager, OS & more
- hledger - plain text accounting/budgeting
- pass - password manager
- broot - file explorer
- sourcehut - git forge
- sway - tiling window manager
- wlsunset - auto desktop gamma adjustment
- grim - screenshots
- slurp - desktop region selection
- mako - notifications
- vdirsyncer - contact/calendar sync
- khal - caldav calendar client
- khard - vcard contact client
- mbsync - email maildir sync
- imapnotify - email notifications
- aerc - email client
- borg - backup software
- borgmatic - declarative borg wrapper
- starship - shell prompt
- ripgrep - faster grep
- fzf - CLI fuzzy finder
- dsktp1 - desktop file parser
- openwrt - routing software
- matrix - next gen chat protocol
- irc - old school chat protocol
- unbound - dns server
- wireguard - fast, secure VPN protocol
- nginx - web server
- qemu - machine emulator and virtualizer
- git - version control
- gpg - signing & encryption
- awk - programming lang operating on text
- ssh - secure tunnels
- bash - shell
I am the author of these projects ↩︎